

Technophile Trait

Technophiles are fans of all thing techno, funnily enough. They’re hyped for all things tech and are never happier than when they’re typing away on a PC or tapping away on a phone.

  • Technophiles become happy, focused, or energized when performing tasks with technology, such as watching TV, using a computer, phone, or tablet, listening to a stereo, or playing on a video games console.
  • Technophiles become tense or angry, when performing tasks without technology, such as reading, working, playing Don’t Wake The Llama, and using a wash tub (rather than a washing machine).
  • Technophiles become tense if they go without technology for too long.
  • Technophiles have specific socials available to them, which are related to technology. They can debate with other technophiles about technology. Other sims can ask them for advice with technology.
  • Technophiles will receive whims to use technology.

Technophobe Trait

Technophobic sims hate everything to do with technology. They yearn for a simpler time, when you had your fun with a good book or a game of chess. These newfangled techie-techie things just confuse them.

  • Technophobes become tense or angry when performing tasks using technology, such as watching TV, using a computer, phone, or tablet, listening to a stereo, or playing on a video games console.
  • Technophobes become happy, focused, or energised when performing tasks without technology, such as reading, working, playing Don’t Wake The Llama, and using a wash tub (rather than a washing machine).
  • Technophobes have specific socials to them, which are related to complaining about technology. Teens and technophiles can attempt to explain how to use technology to them.
  • Technophobes will receive whims to avoid technology.

King/Queen of the Geeks Aspiration

Kings and Queens of the Geeks want to become the ultimate geeks!

  • Sims with this aspiration have goals related to playing video games, programming, and collecting MySims trophies. As part of their aspiration, they must join the Tech Guru career.
  • Upon completion of the aspiration, sims will receive the King/Queen of the Geeks trait: Kings/Queens of the Geeks can Get In The Zone, and maintain extreme focus for a long time. Kings/Queens of the Geeks become focused when around other Geeks. Other Geeks become focused when around Kings/Queens of the Geeks.
  • Sims with the King/Queen of the Geeks aspiration will receive whims related to technology, video gaming, and programming.


[Jamjars] TraitPack 1.00.0.zip 136 kB
Aug 15, 2020

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